Well, it took extra innings but the "consecutive games with a street homer" streak was extended to three today as Albert Pujols blasted a three-run homer to deep, deep, left-center in the 10th to win the game for the Cardinals. Final score was 12-9, more akin to a football score, which seemed appropriate given that Bears placekicker Robbie Gould was the Guest Conductor for today's 7th inning stretch.
Quite a few homers today (Edmonds, Barrett, Duncan, Rolen, Ramirez and Pujols) but only Pujols' left the park. Rolen's blast almost made it though. Landed in top row of bleachers where it bounced off a fan's hand, over his head to the walkway area behind the bleachers where another fan tried to grab it in mid-air but she deflected it back even further towards the street. I thought for sure the ball was coming out at this point, but then it hit the railing and bounced back onto the walkway where a small scrum ensued.
Back to the Pujols' homer... I was playing him straightaway to left so all I could do was watch the action farther down Waveland by the alley. Dave was in the lead of those chasing the ball, but by this point in the game, there are always people everywhere outside the park, so as luck would have it, a passer-by (looked like a vendor) got close to it first. A glove goes flying, ball bounces back into the street, and Dave and VendorGuy are pushing/pulling each other trying to get to it. VendorGuy had position though, and eventually grabbed the ball from the ground.
Batting practice was somewhat of a disappointment considering the gusty 20mph winds from the South and the combined slugging potential of both teams. Even with the bleacher expansion, I was expecting more like 18-20 out instead of nine.
Brewers are next team in but the weather is supposed to take a turn for the worse - about 20 degrees colder, wind blowing in, and scattered showers. The street-homer streak is definitely in jeopardy...
Out of the Ballpark Totals:
Sunday, April 22: BP-9 [W-8,S-1], HR-1 [W-1,S-0], Foul-0, Roof-1 [A-0,C-1]
Season: BP-37 [W-31,S-6], HR-3 [W-3,S-0], Foul-1 [W-1,S-0], Roof-8 [A-3,C-5]